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Don’t chickens get enough grit if they free range?

Depends on where they free range. It’s hard to know if they are getting enough, and that’s why you should offer it. Sand or fine dirt won’t do the trick. If they don’t need it, they won’t eat it. In short, we recommend putting it out and refilling as

Why is Grubbly Farms grit made from rose quartz?

We love rose quartz as chicken grit for a lot of reasons. It’s a durable mineral that doesn’t easily break down by the acid in the gizzard, so it’s very effective and lasts a long time. Grubbly Farms rose quartz is sustainably sourced from a family-o

Why do chickens need grit?

Grit is an important part of digestion. Since chickens don’t have teeth, they rely on grit to help grind down food in their gizzard. An absence of grit can create digestive problems such as impaction or sour crop. A strong, healthy gizzard means heal

Are oyster shells adequate as grit?

No, oyster shells are often provided as a source of calcium, but they are not an ideal grit. Stomach acid breaks down oyster shells making them a less effective digestive tool as compared to a more durable mineral like rose quartz.

When and how often should I give grit to my flock?

Chickens should always have access to grit. Keep it in a separate feeder, so they can help themselves whenever they need it. It’s also important to make sure they always have access to fresh, clean water. Grit can make them thirsty.

Can they overeat Grit?

Not typically. Grit is not a treat, so they are not inclined to overeat it; however, if it is mixed in with food or treats, it could cause accidental over ingestion, which could lead to impacted crop. If kept separately, or sprinkled in bedding or on

Does Grit have to go in a separate dish from feed?

You should always keep a separate dish of grit, but you can also sprinkle it in their bedding or on the ground so they can scratch and peck for it. If it’s the first time they’ve been provided grit, you can add some to their feed just to introduce it

Does chick starter feed have grit?

No, grit should always be provided separately from feed.